

Periodically, the amounts of emissions from all sources are estimated and compiled into emissions inventories. Emission inventory is an accounting of data (expressed in kilotons per year) in the course of a certain period of time, in accordance with the requirements or the methodology with appropriate sectorial, temporal or spatial distribution specific to each specific pollutant. The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning is preparing GHG inventory and inventory of air pollutants.

agrada lavGHG inventory (greenhouse gasses) is prepared within the projects coordinated by UNDP, the first inventory was established in 2003. Current inventory contains GHG emission for the period 1990 – 2012. Besides the inventory are also prepared reports according to the requirements of the Climate Change Convention, which can be found on the following website.

The emission inventory of air pollutants is prepared in compliance with the Guidebook EMEP / EEA. This inventory is established in 2005. The methodology for the preparation of the inventory is aligned with the European methodology specified in the Rulebook on inventory methodology. MEIC Department submits emission inventory data to towards UNECE and EEA each year.

In 2012 Republic of Macedonia was awarded for the developing country by the Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections (CEIP) with the greatest progress in preparation of the inventory. Emission inventories of air pollutants can be found on the following website, and inventory reports in the following location.