
(21.02.2019) 2nd Steering Committee Meeting – TRAP

The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the proejct “Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation” was organised on 21 February in Gevgelija. The meeting was organised by the 5th partner of the project, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. The representatives from all partner institutions attended including representatives from the Municipality of Gevgelija. Project progress was presented by each partner separately. Future plans and activities were discussed and defined.

(04.10.2018) Celebrating the European Cooperation Day

The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning together with the Center for Climate Change Gevgelija organised outdoor activity to celebrate the Environmental Cooperation day. 35 fifth grade children were educated out of their classroom about air quality, air pollution and how to prevent air pollution. Visit to one of the 18 measuring stations was organised where the representatives from the ministry showed and educated the children how the measurements are taken what type of substances are measured, and where this data is displayed. The children showed great interest in the area of air quality asking a lot of questions and giving solutions how to prevent air pollution. This great journey was finished by taking a group picture of all participants on this outdoor activity which will be shown on the main event in Dojran on 12 October 2018.

(18.09.2018) The project “Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation” kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the project “Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation” was organised on 18 September 2018 in Florina Greece, where representatives from the Environmental centre of Western Macedonia as Lead Beneficiary, Municipality of Florina, European Regional Framework for Cooperation, Center for Climate Change and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning as project beneficiaries took part.

(03.08.2018) The official start of the implementation of the “Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation” project

The CBC – Cross Border Cooperation project “Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation” of the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme “Greece-the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020” officially started today. The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning is involved as beneficiary institution in this project. The main objectives of the project are:

  • Assessment of the impact of air quality in the cross-border region
  • Establishment of the monitoring mechanism on air quality
  • Assessment of the impact on human health in the development of the health index
  • Cross-border cooperation
Guidelines for the rulebook for the limit values and the permisable emission levels and types of pollutants in flue gases and vapors from stationary sources was adopted
The aim of this guideline is to assist the owners of the installations and the consultant-analysts in performing emission monitoring and measurement, and in order to abide the requirements set down in the Rulebook on the methods, means and methodology for measurement of emissions from stationary sources (Official Gazette of RM, No.11/2012) which entered into force on 1st September 2012. This Guideline was prepared in the frame of Twining project “Strengthening the central and local level capacities for environmental management in the area of air quality” (01.09.2010-31.10.2012 ). The guideline witnin ten chapters, describes the general aspects of measurement of emissions from stationary sources and they are further précised with the standards specified in it. The QA/QC procedures of measurement of emissions from stationary sources have been described.

Guidelines for the rulebook for the limit values and the permisable emission levels and types of pollutants in flue gases and vapors from stationary sources was adopted

This Guideline was prepared for the adequate implementation of the Rulebook for the limit values and the permissible emission levels and types of pollutants in flue gases and vapors from stationary sources which enter into force on 01.01.2013. It was prepared in the frame of Twining project “Strengthening the central and local level capacities for environmental management in the area of air quality” (01.09.2010-31.10.2012 ) and it give short overview of the rulebook content. This Guideline, which is a practical guide or user manual, is referring to the proper application of the ELV by installation of different capacities. The Guideline is directed preliminarily at industrial operators, but also to inspectors dealing with control of emissions from stationary sources, and authorities giving A and B permits to operators.

National program for the gradual reduction of the the quantities of emissions of the certain pollutants at the level of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2012 to 2020

In the National program for the gradual reduction of the the quantities of emissions of the certain pollutants at the level of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2012 to 2020 are identified measures to reduce the emission of air pollutants sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides expressed as nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, volatile organic compounds, total suspended suspended particulate matters and carbon monoxide in the air (“Official gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no 107/2012).

National plan for the protection of the ambient air quality in the Republic of Macedonia

National plan for the protection of the ambient air quality in the Republic of Macedonia is presenting the situation with the air quality,define the measures for protecting and improving the quality of ambient air of the the Republic of Macedonia, and all relevant institutions responsible for their implementation for the next 5 years (2013-2018 year) (“Official gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no 170/2012 ).

Decree amending the Decree on limit values of the levels and types of pollutants in ambient air and alert thresholds, deadlines for achieving the limit values, margins of tolerance, limit values, target values and long-term objectives

The purpose of the amendments to the Regulation to align it with EU legislation in this area. Notably, the Draft Decree transposing part of Europe’s Clean Air Directive 2008/50/EC, relating limit and target values for PM2.5 and certain members of Directive 2004/107/EC concerning the target values heavy metals arsenic, nickel, mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air and deadlines for achieving them. Amendments to of ordinance adopted by the Government and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 3/2013.